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i C E   K i N G

Bardrock for the brave and free, kicking ice since 2003!

Pioneering solo project of Renaissance man Bas L.G. Verdin

Earned titles

Bardrocker OneBalladeer in BattleCamelodic Creator
Minstrel ModernityMaestro BraveheartKing of Rock 'n' Cold
Melodieval MaverickThe Lord of the StringsBelgium's Bravest Bard
Victorian Viking VirtuosoFuture's True TroubadourAvalon's Avant-Garde Bard
Singer-Songfighter the FirstEpics-powered MelomaniacThe Romanticist on the Rocks
Anthemic Arthurian AdventurerHeathen Hymnist of Hidden GemsCoolest Melioristic Celtic Melodist

Much obliged to probably the most diverse audience in the world, defying all rules of marketing and mass consumption


"Let us face it: iCE KiNG, solo project of Renaissance man Bas L.G. Verdin, is not an easy thing to present, however definite it is. Those who have an ear for pure music and something unique at the same time, have come to the right place at last. This pioneer is 'kicking ice' since 2003(!), and has been attributed tens of titles so far, from Belgium's Bravest Bard over Victorian Viking Virtuoso to The Romanticist on the Rocks. No less than ten full-length iCE KiNG CDs have been released so far, while the compositions for number eleven and twelve are already being ripened live. This and a couple of hundred memorable concerts later, he ever so passionately delivers his very own style of extremely versatile singing & baritone tuned guitar playing - occasionally keyboard - full of epicism, melody and variety. We daresay a sequel to Romanticism indeed, mostly electric clean, though he also does fully acoustic sets by now, as well as the other far end of the bard art spectrum thereby created and thus suit for any context: electric crunch. It is not because he actually transcribes nearly forgotten poems from that era into lyrics, that the music would be from the past, or just an accompaniment. Not only is iCE KiNG's music entirely new, it also evolves beyond the different genres of music as art; and not only is his music an absolute end in itself, it also explores the boundaries of what is expressively and therefore technically possible live by one man. While all this may sound complex, and certainly would be challenging to imitate adequately, catchiness and goosebumps are at the very heart of iCE KiNG. If it has to be filed at all, we recommend Bardrock for the Brave and Free. The others? They simply do not know what they are missing... Defying all rules of marketing and mass consumption, iCE KiNG probably has the most diverse audience in the world. Most performances take place in homeland Belgium, the United Kingdom and Germany. The sung languages include mainly age-old English, but also evenly archaic Dutch, French, German, Swedish, Latin and ancient Greek, knowing that the abundant instrumental & vocal tunes are as universal as they can be. Much more is to be found on the truly extensive 'Castlepage', best on computer: iceking.be, iceking.uk or icekingmusic.com (Facebook: /icekingbe)."

Also available in Dutch

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Two Decades of iCE KiNG ...and counting!

The Tip of the Iceberg
Quite from newest to oldest, when so-called smartphones and so-called social media were still absent

° 28 October 2003, the 23rd birthday of Bas Laurens Gillis Verdin,
as preparation for the Interfacultary Songcontest above
...and what appears to be quite infinitely more!

Press mess

Read one of the less twisting articles in Dutch and in English

The following domains are redirected to this very front-page (iceking.be/index.html):
iceking.be | iceking.uk | icekingmusic.com | verdin.es | verdin.nl | verdin.uk

The remaining domains are redirected to the respective subpages Books and Sire Fireproof:
basverdin.com | fireproofband.com | fireproofmusic.com