Sire Fireproof - A Metallic Excursion
Twelfth iCE KiNG album, to be released as Long-Playing gramophone record and Compact Disc (as well as digitally for those still doing that)
All epics are already being performed live!
Note: contrary to pretty popular belief, this is iCE KiNG's sole metallic album so far, hence 'excursion', apart from the occasional fusion, amongst many other crossovers
This time, the concept is to include solo versions of epics for the band FIREPROOF, that is on hold by lack of drummer (any hint welcome!)
Also contrary to pretty popular belief, iCE KiNG has never been a band, hence 'solo'
For the same reason, and - contrary to possibly popular belief - because of the utmost accessibility, 'metallic' is chosen instead of 'metal'
And no, bagpipes, breweries,... have strictly never been part of any project either, as appear to be pretty popular beliefs as well
For more heavy matters from the man behind, see below 'From the same man' in the menu, to your left
Sire I
I. Hate at First Sight
Guitar, vocals and all verses composed by Bas L.G. Verdin
II. Stoned to Death
Guitar, vocals and all verses composed by Bas L.G. Verdin
III. Save the World
Guitar, vocals and all verses composed by Bas L.G. Verdin
IV. Die O'Nysos
Guitar, vocals and all verses composed by Bas L.G. Verdin
Sire II
V. Romance Dance II
Guitar and hidden vocals composed by Bas L.G. Verdin
(Romance Dance [I] on VIrtue & VIrtuosity)
VI. Headbangers Wall
Guitar, vocals and all verses composed by Bas L.G. Verdin
VII. Sweet Revenge
Guitar, vocals and all verses composed by Bas L.G. Verdin
VIII. In the End
Guitar, vocals and all verses composed by Bas L.G. Verdin
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